Political Science Minor

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Department of History, Political Science and International Studies
Program Type
History, Political Science & International Studies
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

About this Program

Interested in Politics? Interested in Government? Interested in International Relations? Then study Political Science. We get into all the big arguments. We get into the arguments behind the arguments. Most important of all though we get into the facts and evidence without which Politics is just so much hot air.

  • Minoring in Political Science at UMD lets you work with professors who are national and international experts in their fields. 
  • Our professors author books and publish articles on subjects as diverse as political psychology, violence and women, nuclear weapons, and secret diplomacy, but we share a passion for teaching.
  • Choose Political Science at UMD and you will be part of a flexible program which lets you concentrate on the issues and questions which matter to you.

Acquired Skills

Study Political Science at UMD and your will acquire the skills of reading, writing, thinking, and speaking clearly and critically about Politics, Government and International Relations. You'll learn how to win political arguments at family dinners. More importantly, you learn why trying to win is not always the most important thing in Politics.

Program Learning Outcomes

Admissions and Scholarships

CAHSS is proud to be able to offer over 90 alumni and donor funded scholarships to our students each year.  In total over $190,000 is awarded out to CAHSS majors and some minors as well. Each department facilitates the process for their specific scholarships and students are also encouraged to apply for CAHSS-wide scholarships offered to students in any field.

Student Clubs

Majoring or Minoring at UMD is not just about taking courses. You will also be able to join the Political Science Association, the Pre-Law Club, and the Mock Trial Team where you will meet and make friendships, sometimes life long friendships, with students like your self and students who are nothing like you at all!