229 Heller Hall
1114 Kirby Drive
Duluth, MN 55803
United States
About this Program
The geological sciences minor enhances the student's understanding of and familiarity with earth materials and processes, and provides valuable background for many environmental careers and applications.
- Active learning environment
- Access to state-of-the –art instrumentation
- Focus on undergraduate teaching and research
Career Possibilities
Admissions and Scholarships
In Addition to the SCSE scholarships provided our department also offers many others including, the UMD Stephen and Karen Brand Geological Sciences Field Camp Scholarship, the Tools-of-the-Trade Award, the UMD Crain Family Scholarship, the Jill and Terry Swor Scholarship, the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Faculty Emeriti Scholarship, the Charlie Matsch Surfical Processes Fellowship, the Charlie Matsch Field Camp Scholarship, the Harry and Margaret Walker Geological Sciences Scholarship, and the New Millennium Research and Scholarship.
Student Clubs
We have 2 main clubs on campus. The Geology club is an academic organization with the goal of sharing our passion for geology and helping students make connections in the department and throughout the field. We want to show students what geology is really about.
The Environmental Science club is a club for those interested in activities involving science, environmental issues, and conservation. The club takes part in outdoor recreation events as well as restoration projects and trash pick ups.
UMD also has a Society of Economic Geologists student chapter (SEG) on campus. The Society of Economic Geologists is an international organization of individual members with interests in the field of economic geology. The Society's membership includes representatives from industry, academia, and government institutions. Annual meetings, publications, field conferences, and short courses ensure an active communication of economic geology-related concepts within the membership and with the economic geology profession at large.